
Международное свидетельство о грузовой марке (англ.)

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Annex III



     (Official seal)
     Issued  under  the  provisions of the International Convention on
Load Lines, 1966, under the authority of the Government of
             (full official designation of the country)

   by       (full official designation of the competent person or

      organization duly authorized under the provisions of the

            International Convention on Load Lines, 1966)

¦   Name of   ¦    Distinctive   ¦     Port of    ¦   Length (L)     ¦
¦    Ship     ¦     Number or    ¦    Registry    ¦  as defined in   ¦
¦             ¦      Letters     ¦                ¦   Article 2(8)   ¦
¦             ¦                  ¦                ¦                  ¦

 Freeboard assigned as:                      Type of ship

     - A new ship                             - Type "A"
<*>  L An existing ship                       ¦ Type "B"
                                          <*> ¦ Type "B" with
                                              ¦ reduced freeboard
                                              ¦ Type "B" with
                                              L increased freeboard

     from deck line                             Load Line
     Tropical         __mm. (inches) (T)        __ram. (inches)
                                                  above (S)
     Summer           __mm. (inches) (S)         Upper edge of line at
                                                the level of center
                                                of ring
     Winter           __mm. (inches) (W)        __mm. (inches) below
     North Atlantic   __mm. (inches) (WNA)      __mm. (inches) below
     Timber tropical  __mm. (inches) (LT)       __mm. (inches) above
     Timber summer    __mm. (inches) (LS)       __mm. (inches) above
     Timber winter    __mm. (inches) (LW)       __mm. (inches) below
     Timber winter
     North Atlantic   __mm. (inches) (LWNA)      __mm. (inches) below

     Note: Freeboards and load lines which are not applicable need not
be entered on the certificate.

     <*> Delete whatever is inapplicable.

     Allowance  for  fresh  water for all freeboards other than timber
________mm. (inches).
     For timber freeboards ______ mm. (inches).
     The  upper  edge of the deck line from which these freeboards are
measured is______mm, (inches)____deck at side. <*>

     <*> Рисунок не приводится.

     Date of initial or periodical survey_____________________________
     This  is to certify that this ship has been surveyed and that the
freeboards  have  been  assigned  and load lines shown above have been
marked  in accordance with the International Convention on Load Lines,
     This  certificate  is valid until _______,  subject to periodical
inspections in accordance with Article 14 (1) (с) of the Convention.
Issued at_____________________________________________________________
                     (Place of issue of certificate)

_______19___   _______________________________________________________
(Date of issue)     (Signature of official issuing the certificate)
                              (Seal of issuing authority)

     If signed, the following paragraph is to be added:
     The  undersigned  declares that he is duly authorized by the said
Government to issue this certificate.

     Notes: 1.  When a ship departs from a port situated on a river or
inland waters,  deeper loading shall be permitted corresponding to the
weight  of  fuel  and  all  other  materials  required for consumption
between the point of departure and the sea.
     2.  When a ship is in fresh water of unit density the appropriate
load  line may be submerged by the amount of the fresh water allowance
shown above. Where the density is other than unity, an allowance shall
be  made  proportional  to the difference between 1,025 and the actual

                       Reverse of Certificate

     This  is  to  certify that at a periodical inspection required by
Article.  14 (1) (с) of the Convention,  this ship was found to comply
with the relevant provisions of the Convention.
     Place ______________________________ Date _______________________
     Signature and/or Seal of issuing authority.
     Place ______________________________ Date _______________________
     Signature and/or Seal of issuing authority.
     Place ______________________________ Date _______________________
     Signature and/or Seal of issuing authority.
     Place ______________________________ Date _______________________
     Signature and/or Seal of issuing authority.
     The  provisions  of  the  Convention being fully complied with by
this  ship,  the  validity of this certificate is,  in accordance with
Article 19 (2) of the Convention, extended until
     Place ______________________________ Date________________________
     Signature and/or Seal of issuing authority.

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