
Бланк декларации-сертификата о происхождении товара. Форма N A (англ.)

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¦1. Goods consigned from       ¦           Reference No.         ¦
¦   (exporter's business name, ¦GENERALIZED SYSTEM OF PREFERENCES¦
¦   address, country)          ¦      CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN      ¦
¦                              ¦      (Combined declaration      ¦
¦                              ¦        and certificate)         ¦
¦                              ¦                                 ¦
¦                              ¦            FORM A               ¦
¦                              ¦                                 ¦
¦                              ¦                                 ¦
¦                              ¦                                 ¦
¦                              ¦      Issued in _____________    ¦
¦                              ¦                  (country)      ¦
+------------------------------+                                 ¦
¦2. Goods consigned to         ¦                                 ¦
¦   (consignee's name, address,¦                                 ¦
¦   country)                   ¦                                 ¦
¦                              ¦               See notes overleaf¦
¦3. Means of transport         ¦4. For official use              ¦
¦   and route (as far as known)¦                                 ¦
¦                              ¦                                 ¦
¦                              ¦                                 ¦
¦5. Item¦6. Marks¦7. Number   ¦8. Origin¦9. Gross¦10. Number and ¦
¦number ¦and     ¦and kind    ¦criterion¦weight  ¦date of        ¦
¦       ¦numbers ¦of packages;¦(see     ¦or other¦invoices       ¦
¦       ¦of      ¦description ¦notes    ¦guantity¦               ¦
¦       ¦packages¦of goods    ¦overleaf)¦        ¦               ¦
¦       ¦        ¦            ¦         ¦        ¦               ¦
¦       ¦        ¦            ¦         ¦        ¦               ¦
¦       ¦        ¦            ¦         ¦        ¦               ¦
¦       ¦        ¦            ¦         ¦        ¦               ¦
¦       ¦        ¦            ¦         ¦        ¦               ¦
¦       ¦        ¦            ¦         ¦        ¦               ¦
¦11. Certification             ¦12. Declaration by the exporter  ¦
¦It is hereby certified, on the¦The undersigned hereby declares  ¦
¦basis of control carried out, ¦that the above details and       ¦
¦that the declaration by the   ¦statements are correct; that all ¦
¦exporter is correct.          ¦the goods were                   ¦
¦                              ¦produced in _____________________¦
¦                              ¦                  (county)       ¦
¦                              ¦and that they comply with the    ¦
¦                              ¦origin reguirements specified for¦
¦                              ¦those goods in the generalized   ¦
¦                              ¦system of preferences for goods  ¦
¦                              ¦exported to                      ¦
¦                              ¦_________________________________¦
¦                              ¦       (importing country)       ¦
¦Place and date, signature and ¦Place and date, signature of     ¦
¦stamp of certifying authority ¦authorized signatory             ¦

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