
Рамочное соглашение между местными властями о создании органов приграничного сотрудничества (англ.)

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Приложение к Конвенции Совета Европы от 21.05.1980 N 106

2.6 Outline agreement

on the setting up of organs of transfrontier

co-operation between local authorities

Introductory note: It is assumed that several local authorities may get together and form a legally based organisation with a view to providing and operating some public utility, service or facility body.

The creation and functioning of such an association or syndicate will mainly depend on the applicable legislation and the provisions of any previous inter-state agreement authorising this form of co-operation (see model agreement 1.5).

There follows a list of the provisions that the articles of association should include, insofar as they are not embodied in the applicable legislation.

The articles of association should specify inter alia:

1 the names of the founding members of the association and the conditions on which new members may join;

2 the name, headquarters, duration and legal status of the association (with references to the law conferring legal status upon it);

3 the object of the association, the way in which it is to be pursued and the resources at the association's disposal;

4 the way in which the registered capital is constituted;

5 the scope and limits of members' liabilities;

6 the procedure for appointing and dismissing administrators or managers of the association, as well as their powers;

7 the associations' relations with its members, third parties and higher authorities, especially as regards the communication of budgets, balance sheets and accounts;

8 the people with responsibility for financial and technical control over the activity of the association and the reports arising out of such control;

9 the conditions for altering the articles of association and for the dissolution of the association;

10 the rules applying to personnel;

11 the rules applying to languages.

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