
Типовое соглашение о межрегиональном и/или межмуниципальном сотрудничестве в экономической и социальной областях (англ.)

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Приложение к Конвенции Совета Европы от 21.05.1980 N 106

1.6 Model agreement

on interregional and/or intermunicipal economic

and social co-operation

(Alternative 1)

Inter-State agreement

The Governments of............................................

and of........................................................

(Alternative A)

- wishing to promote interregional economic and social co-operation in the interest of developing their respective frontier regions, have agreed as follows:

(Alternative B)

- wishing to promote economic and social co-operation between the regions of ..... and of ..... in the interests of the development of both regions, have agreed as follows:

(Alternative 2)

Interregional and/or intermunicipal agreement

The regional/local authorities of.............................

and of........................................................

The states of.................................................

and of........................................................

- wishing to promote and facilitate interregional co-operation so as to afford opportunities for improving transfrontier economic relations;

- wishing to strengthen the socio-economic structure of the regions concerned with a view to improving their employment and revenue situation;

- believing that the regions' endogenous assets and potential can be used to better advantage from an economic and social standpoint to the benefit of both parties,

have agreed as follows:

Article 1

The Parties agree to appoint a joint interregional Commission for economic and/or social co-operation.

Article 2

The Commission is instructed.

(Alternative 1)

to explore the possibility of carrying through joint projects, drawing up a programme of joint action in the field of regional development and settling the details for its implementation.

(Alternative 2)

to consider the following project <12>:



and work out details for its implementation.


<12> In this connection, see the list of subject areas contained in Article 6 of the Model Inter-State Agreement on Transfrontier Regional Consultation which appears as Model Agreement No. 1.2 in the Appendix to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation.

Article 3

The Commission shall comprise ..... places, divided equally between the Contracting Parties, and each Party shall decide on the balanced distribution of places of its delegation, under its own national law, between the territorial authorities covered by this agreement (governments, cantons, Lander, regions and/or local authorities).

In accordance with its terms of reference, the Commission shall be made up as follows:

Party A: [from the ..... side:]

[..... members designated by national authorities]

..... members designated by regional authorities

[..... members designated by local authorities];

Party B: [from the ..... side:]

[..... members designated by national authorities]

..... members designated by regional authorities

[..... members designated by local authorities];

Article 4

The Commission shall meet as often as necessary and shall hold at least ..... meetings per year.

The chairmanship shall alternate between the two countries (..... years).

The Commission may co-opt experts.

The Commission shall adopt its own rules of procedure and the rules governing the work and funding of its Secretariat.

Article 5

Each Party shall defray the expenses of its own delegation.

Article 6

The present agreement is concluded:

<- for the duration of the project identified under Article 2, alternative 2>;

<- for a period of ... years from its entry into force. It shall then be automatically renewed, for a further period of ... years, unless denounced by one of the Parties one year prior to expiry> <13>.


<13> Additional protocols may be concluded, in particular on the models appearing in the Appendix to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities.

Article 7

Each Party shall notify the other of the completion of the procedures required under its national law <14> for the implementation of the present agreement, which shall take effect from the date of the later notification <15>.


<14> The agreement shall specify, providing details, where appropriate:

a the procedures required by the national law of Parties to the agreement which may apply to the following questions:

- name and address of the Commission;

- precise definition of the powers assigned to the Commission;

- regulations governing decision-making methods;

- reference to the public nature of deliberations;

- definition of the relevant rules with regard to budget and estimates;

- definition of the methods of funding projects;

- definition of the methods of amending the rules (ie the terms of the agreement);

- definition of the methods of admission to and withdrawal from membership;

- etc.

b specifications required by Community directives and regulations for access to the structural Funds.

<15> For other wordings, the parties may refer to the general clauses for Model Inter-State Agreements 1.1 to 1.5 (see footnote 1, page 3) suggested in the Appendix to the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities.

Done at ....., this ..... day of ....., in ..... copies in the ..... and ..... languages, each text being equally authentic.

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