
Типовое межгосударственное соглашение о поддержке приграничного или транснационального сотрудничества в области школьного образования (англ.)

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Приложение к Конвенции Совета Европы от 21.05.1980 N 106

1.12 Model inter-state agreement

for the promotion of transfrontier or transnational

school co-operation

This model agreement is not concluded between local authorities, but between states. It provides, in the form of a simplified technical agreement concluded at the level of the relevant ministerial authorities, for participation by local authorities in transfrontier or transnational school co-operation schemes.

Such an agreement is not indispensable for the intervention of local authorities in such forms of co-operation, but it may constitute a very useful support for such intervention.

The main objective of this type of agreement is to provide for and constitute the general framework for specific local agreements.

Article 1

This agreement forms an extension of the relations of co-operation established between the administrative authorities of the contracting parties that are responsible for education and the objectives set out in the European Outline Convention on Transfrontier Co-operation between Territorial Communities or Authorities.

Its purpose is to define an appropriate framework for participation by territorial communities or authorities in the development of school exchanges between the states concerned.

Article 2

The school co-operation forming the subject of this agreement shall be aimed at promoting knowledge of the language (or languages) and culture (or cultures) of the partner country and developing, on that basis, personal relations and exchanges of experience and information.

Such co-operation shall be aimed in particular at implementing forms of early bilingualism in the school system.

It shall especially be aimed at the introduction of an international approach to teaching.

Article 3

Participation by territorial communities or authorities in the co-operation schemes defined in Article 2 is a factor for the effectiveness of that co-operation and shall be encouraged by the authorities of the signatory states with responsibility for school activities.

Article 4

In order to establish consistent schemes of school co-operation, as referred to in Article 2, co-operation projects may be defined by agreements concluded between the administrations and the territorial communities or authorities concerned.

These agreements shall define:

- the general and specific objectives of the co-operation, as well as the methods considered appropriate for achieving them;

- the resources in terms of staff, equipment and funds allocated to the implementation of the co-operation project, as well as the authorities providing them;

- the schemes of which the co-operation consists;

- practical arrangements for the settlement of concrete matters connected with co-operation schemes (accommodation, staffing, insurance, etc.);

- the monitoring of the co-operation scheme by a steering committee made up of representatives of the school authorities and the territorial communities or authorities concerned, as well as representatives of the parents and pupils and qualified individuals;

- the manner in which periodic assessments of the results of the co-operation are drawn up.

Article 5

On the basis of these agreements, the school authorities concerned may undertake to ensure the implementation of the co-operation schemes provided for in the agreements and, in particular, the implementation of bilingual teaching programmes and timetables.

To the extent required by the co-operation schemes, exceptions to the standard programmes and timetables may be agreed upon.

Article 6

The school authorities shall be authorised to arrange exchanges of teaching staff, in order to implement the co-operation schemes. In this context, the teachers shall continue to be remunerated by the administration of origin, but shall be placed under the authority of the host administration. The agreements mentioned in Article 4 shall define conditions concerning the defrayal of specific expenses (travel, subsistence, etc.).

Article 7

In the context of the co-operation agreements provided for in Article 4, specific tuition, particularly of or in the language of the partner country, may be dispensed by outside teachers, whatever their nationality.

These teachers shall be approved by the education authorities or by the committee provided for in Article 2. The agreements referred to in Article 4 shall specify the terms on which their expenses shall be covered.

Article 8

A bilateral council on school co-operation shall be set up, for the purpose of monitoring the execution of this agreement. It shall be composed of representatives of the authorities signing this agreement, representatives of the territorial communities and authorities and qualified individuals chosen by the signatories. It shall meet at least once a year and shall submit a public report on the action taken in pursuance of this agreement.

Article 9

In the event of damage being sustained by pupils or teachers during international school co-operation activities, the state in whose territory the damage arose shall be liable, but may take action against any liable third party, if appropriate.

Article 10

This agreement has been concluded for an indefinite duration. It may be terminated by either party subject to six months' prior notice.

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